Meso-EYE C71™ Biological Vasomodifier by ABG LAB LLC (USA) Laboratory

Meso-EYE C71™ is a new generation medical injection treatment for the periorbital/eye area. Its active components are focused primarily on vascular strengthening and metabolism normalization and also contribute to moisturizing and overall improvement of skin quality.

Composition and operating principle of Meso-EYE C71™

Meso-EYE C71™ belongs to the group of bioreparants and is intended for correction of the periorbital area (around the eyes) without surgical intervention.

The major reasons for rapid aging of this area are:

It is very thin skin practically without fatty tissue. Because of this it is almost always over-dried, which leads to early appearance of wrinkles.
There is a large number of blood and lymphatic vessels, physiologically predisposed to fluid retention.

It results in the propensity to swelling (“pouches”) and unhealthy dark color (“black circles under the eyes”).

Meso-EYE C71™ injections have a complex impact on these problem factors in several ways:

  • Strengthening the walls of arteries, arterioles and capillaries;
  • Increased tone of small veins, stimulation of lymph drainage;
  • Elimination of dryness and preventive moisturizing of the skin;
  • Protection from a special type of damage – glycation, where collagen and elastin fibers gradually lose elasticity under the action of glucose.

This leads to the appearance of external signs of flabbiness of the skin, and in addition, it becomes extremely immune to any aesthetic procedures, since in the early stages glycation is considered a reversible process.

With minor assumptions, it can be assumed that Meso-EYE C71™ not only protects protein fibers, but also restores them.

Unlike injections containing only hyaluronic acid alone, the effect is more complex in this case and is due to the action of three major active components:

PeriOrbital Peptide ХР2 is a patented synthetic peptide, the main property of which is the normalization of the vascular state. It removes spasm of the arteries, widens the bloodstream and accelerates the circulation of blood in the tissues. Also, it normalizes the tone of the veins and reduces the permeability of the vascular wall to the fluid, which leads to an outflow of blood from the periorbital area tissues. It is also “responsible” for the elimination of the effects of glycation in the skin;

Hexapeptide 17 is a peptide that provides powerful lymphatic drainage, lipomodelling and vasoprotective action, contributes to the gradual removal of swelling and strengthens the walls of the vessels.

DRMC/Dermo-Remodulating Complex is high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a density of 0.4%, as well as more than 50 amino acids and trace elements that help moisturize, tighten and improve overall skin condition. Most of them have proven effectiveness and are regularly used in a variety of cosmetic products, mainly in mesotherapy cocktails.

Indications for use of Meso-EYE C71™

  • Age-related deterioration of the skin quality around the eyes, loss of flexibility and elasticity, which cannot be restored by moisturizing toning procedures;
  • Pastosity – a characteristic swelling of the tissues, in which the eyelids become heavy, and the face can have a “tear-stained” appearance;
  • Presence of dark circles and pouches under the eyes;
  • Persistent swelling around the eyes, in the event that it is caused by a violation of blood and lymph circulation;
  • Small wrinkles on the skin of the eyelids and next to them, “crow’s feet”;
  • Preparation for blepharoplasty and/or surgery in the middle third of the face, as well as acceleration of rehabilitation after them.

In some promotional texts, one can find the statement that the treatment is capable of correcting periorbital hernias at an early stage of formation – however, based on the composition, it is absolutely impossible.

At what age can Meso-EYE C71™ be used?

Meso-EYE C71™ has no age restrictions, since “pouches”, eyelid pastosity, mesh of dilated vessels often disturb even very young women. Especially those who work a lot on the computer, have a little rest and feel a lack of sleep – in this case, the physician can recommend a full therapeutic course from the age 25 years.

Contraindications to the use of Meso-EYE C71™:

  • Allergy to the components of the treatment, medications for local anesthesia and antiseptics;
  • Violation of blood coagulation processes;
  • Age up to 25 years;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • Oncology;
  • Oncology in remission;
  • Diabetes;
  • Pregnancy and lactation.

The first few days you will have to comply with specific rules of conduct, in particular:

  • Postpone visiting the swimming pool in order not to get the infection in the wound at the place of puncture of the skin with a needle;
  • Abandon any thermal effects, so as not to provoke swelling;
  • Protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation to prevent the appearance of pigmentation.

Course and frequency:

Before the bioreparation procedure with Meso-EYE C71™, a compulsory medical consultation is required

  • The treatment is used for treatment therapy of the periorbital area/area around the eyes from the age of 25 years.
  • To obtain a pronounced persistent effect, the recommended course is starting from 3 procedures with an interval of 10 to 14 days.
  • A supporting course – 1 time per year. A repeated intensive course – after 2 years.
  • The result persists up to two and a half years.

Video of the procedure

Frequently Asked Questions for the Use of Meso-EYE C71™ Bioreparant:

The number of procedures depends on the initial condition of the patient’s skin and the degree of severity of aesthetic defects. On average, the course of procedures with the Meso-EYE C71™ treatment is from 3 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. Depending on the indications, it can be recommended to repeat a maintaining course of procedures once a year. The result persists to two and a half years.

Yes, you can. To obtain a more pronounced aesthetic result in the correction of malar pouches, the Meso-EYE C71™ treatment can alternate with Meso-EYE C71™ Lipo Modifier.

Monotherapy with Meso-EYE C71™ gives a pronounced clinical result. If necessary, it can be combined with various device-based methods: RF-lifting on the X-Lite Biopotential device, provided that the interval between the procedures is met.

Papules remain for no more than a day. Hematomas usually do not happen, but the risk of their occurrence increases with the use of alcohol or treatments that dilute blood on the eve of the procedure.

First it is necessary to undergo a course of Meso-EYE C71™ bioreparation. After completion of the course, correction of the facial wrinkles with Botox/Vistabel is performed.

When prescribing Meso-EYE C71™, it is necessary to focus not on age, but on the presence of indications for this procedure. Quite often for young patients aged 25-30 years, especially abusing tanning, a course of bioreparation with Meso-EYE C71™ in the upper and lower eyelid can be recommended.


Meso-EYE C71™ – peptides for eye contour care / eye area biorepair procedure from ABG LAB LLC (South Korea)

Meso-EYE C71™, 1 ml.
250.00 €

AppointmentMeso-EYE C71™ – peptides for eye contour care/eye area biorepair procedure from ABG LAB LLC (South Korea)