Hyaluronidase injections for treatment of complications after the use of hyaluronic acid, fibrosis and granuloma

Hyaluronidase is a ferment that destroys hyaluronic acid polymers in a special way. In the past, it was widely used for fight against cellulite fibrosis, and since recently – for destruction of excesses of hyaluronic acid fillers or granulomas.

The fillers of the hyaluronic acid gelled with a cross-linked polymer are widely used in aesthetic medicine. Hyaluronic acid is considered as a safe filler, but yet it can become an origin of side effects, among which there are overcorrection, infection, and granuloma.
To eliminate these effects, hyaluronidase is used, which also reduces the risk of skin necrosis.

The need to remove a previously injected cosmetological filler can arise if the result of injections was extremely non-aesthetic or the preparation provoked serious complications and side effects.

How hyaluronidase helps to cope with complications after injecting hyaluronic acid

The use of hyaluronidase in cosmetology is simple and consists in the injection of a sterile solution of hyaluronidase powder precisely in a problem zone.

Before each injection, it is necessary to perform an allergy test as the hyaluronidase is a ferment, exogenous protein. The results of the procedure are substantial and noticeable at once.

Hyaluronidase injections help to treat

  • granulomas;
  • postoperative fibrosis;
  • elimination of excesses of hyaluronic acid fillers;
  • Tyndall effect.

Hyaluronidase for elimination of excesses of hyaluronic acid fillers

Hyaluronidase injections successfully and quickly destroy any cross-linked hyaluronic acid. And it is not important in this case how much time passed between the hyaluronic acid injection and the hyaluronidase injection because the latter is capable to destroy hyaluronic acid even after a few years of its existence in the organism.

Use of hyaluronidase for treatment of postoperative fibrosis

Hyaluronidase was used for the treatment of fibrous cellulite in the past. The authors found that the early injection of hyaluronidase could reduce fibrosis and swelling after the breast or double chin liposuction among men. The breast and chin liposuction often causes a strong fibrous reaction that is disappearing for a long time, sometimes for a few months. The hyaluronidase injection also allows to significantly reduce or completely get rid of postoperative fibrosis for a few days. Right after the injection, massage is performed to distribute the substance better. During the massage, a doctor can feel the immediate fibrosis reduction.

Hyaluronidase injection in case of Tyndall effect

The surface injections of hyaluronic acid can give to the skin, around the whole place of the injection of the preparation, other hue (bluish most often) than other skin has. The result of the first hyaluronidase injection in such cases is visible in 30 minutes after the surface injection.
At least one week should pass between the hyaluronidase injection and an injection of a new hyaluronic acid implant.

Scopes of application of hyaluronidase

Lacrimonasal sulci are the most widespread scope of application of hyaluronidase after the fillers. Also, they are lips, cheeks, and temples.

The problems occurred after gels, which can be solved by means of hyaluronidase
Swellings, bumps – hyaluronidase can be injected to dissolve severe swellings caused by a filler.


It can be corrected by hyaluronidase by injecting it to a larger side to correct the size in conformity with the other side.

Over-saturation by a filler

It can also be corrected a ferment injection (for example, to reduce too big lips after increasing them).

Vascular complications

If an artery is blocked during the filler injection procedure, as a result of which blood flow to the skin is impaired, it is necessary to immediately inject hyaluronidase to try to prevent the skin necrosis in the processed area.


Removal of fillers by hyaluronidase

Hyaluronidase Injections
Only a doctor-dermatologist can determine the necessary quantity of the preparation during a physical examination.
190.00 €

AppointmentHyaluronidase injections – Facial Unfilling with Hyaluronidase Enzyme