What is bioreparation?

Bioreparation (bio-regeneration) – is a modern anti-ageing injection method, providing natural regeneration and rejuvenation as a result of activation of internal cellular resources (without plastic surgery).

Bioreparation concept of action

“Biorepartion” procedure is an injection of multi-agent formulations (tripeptides, growth promoting substance, hyaluronic acid, amino acids, antioxidants, vitamins). Thereby a repository for elements essential for ageing skin is being created on the treated zone and the substance provides a visible prolonged effect.

This method, similar to the biorevitalization and mesotherapy is based on providing active substances directly to the middle layers of the skin.

As against biorevitalization, bioreparation provides more visible and comlex effect thanks to the special formulation of bioreparants.

Bioreparation is aimed on initiation of self-rejuvenation of the skin and solution of several aesthetic skin problems with just one formulation.


Manufacturer of innovative injection formulations we are offering is ABG LAB LLC (USA).

ABG LAB LLC is a subsidiary company of Beilis Development & Derma Labs (USA), focused on creation of anti-ageing injection and dermatic cosmetic products based on synthetic bio peptides.

ABG LAB LLC was the first to create cosmetic products for external skin care, based on Polypeptide – 1 – first peptide used in cosmetic medicine for the activation of own stem cells, also famous as “Amatokin”. ABG LAB LLC was also the first company to start commercial application of mentioned formulation on the US market.

This a completely new ingredient for external skin care, activating physiologic self-rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin.

Bioreparation from ABG LAB LLC

As the result of 20 years of experience, ABG LAB LLC created original technology platforms for complete regeneration of ageing and photodamaged skin.

ABG LAB LLC Injection formulation has a high safety profile, they are safe and have no side-effects.

Complex anti-ageing bioreparants therapy by ABG LAB LLC useful for separate parts of your face:

  • MW P199™ restructurer – new-generation injection formulation, stimulating proliferation (cellular newgrowth by fragmentation) and differentiation of stem cells of mature skin, epidermal and dermal stem cells. Created for rejuvenation of mature and drained cells of skin after 40.
  • Epigenetic bioreparant MX F199™ – new-generation injection formulation of epigenetic direction for intensive precaution of photo- and chrono ageing of skin after 25.
  • Vasomodifier ME С71™ – new-generation injection formulation for eyelids and skin around eyes. Its active ingredients are directed to strengthen vessels and resolution of metabolism, also provides hydration and general perfection of skin quality after 20.
  • Lipomodifier MS C71™ – Multi-agent new-generation injection formulation for remodeling and correction of local fat depots on midface and lower face without surgical interference for the skin after 25.
  • MG BP3 ™ Trichological Bioreparant is a new generation injectable treatment intended for natural revival of hair beauty, cessation of premature hair loss and activation of new hair growth in men and women.

Before the bioreparation procedure professional medical advice is obligated.

During the consultation, a doctor will take into account individual anatomic features, which could affect the procedure and results thereof.

Based on the collected data and individual patient’s features, a doctor will choose the necessary bioreparant and the number of procedures.



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AppointmentBioreparation from ABG LAB LLC (USA).