Acupuncture is a manual technique of traditional Chinese medicine. It is a non-drug therapeutic and general healing technique. Mobilizes the body’s own resources by influencing the projections of nerve endings of internal organs and tissues – biologically active points (BAP)
Biologically active points (BAP)
According to the canons of reflexology, a person has ~ 700 BAP. Each is associated with a specific area of the body. BAP can be diagnostic, stimulating and potentiating local processes – for example, inflammation. Acting with special needles of different lengths on certain points, they improve the condition of a patient with a particular disease.
About the procedure of acupuncture
Acupuncture is a complex technique that requires special knowledge and extensive experience.
In our clinic, this procedure is performed by a reflexologist with many years of experience, who at the beginning conducts diagnostics: interviews the patient, studies medical documentation, conducts an examination. Next, the doctor determines the treatment scheme and proceeds with the procedure.
The needles are placed on the patient’s body for 20 to 40 minutes, then removed. During the following procedure, the number of needles and their installation locations may vary.
Special disposable sterile needles are used for the procedure. They can be of different lengths and diameters (for different parts of the body). For one procedure, put from 10 to 15 needles.
To properly install acupuncture needles, it is necessary to know the location of the so-called meridians (channels) of the human body connecting groups of points with similar clinical effects. There are 22 meridians in total, 14 of them are the main ones. According to the Chinese, vital energy circulates through them, which passes through all organs during the day, making a complete cycle. Diseases are associated with a violation of this circulation.
Safety of the acupuncture procedure
Acupuncture is a safe method of treatment, carried out by a reflexologist with sterile disposable needles made of medical steel. The place of the needle is sterilized with antiseptic.
Advantages of the method of acupuncture
- 100% safe.
- Minimum contraindications.
- It is widely used in rehabilitation treatment.
- Outpatient treatment of the patient.
- One session is aimed at solving several health problems.
- Versatility, can be prescribed for most diseases, suitable for children and allergy sufferers.
- Complexity, not only affects the disease, but also increases nonspecific immunity.
- It often demonstrates a clinical effect when evidence-based medicine is ineffective.
Indications for acupuncture
The analgesic effectiveness of acupuncture has been proven for pain:
- gastrointestinal
- facial and headache, including
- dental and mandibular migraines
- in the neck, lower back and knees
- birth and postoperative
- “tennis player’s elbow”
- with dislocations and sprains
- of hepatic and renal colic
Acupuncture is prescribed when:
- diseases of the hormonal and endocrine system
- reproductive system disorders: infertility, cycle disorders in women
- erectile dysfunction and male infertility
- vegetative-vascular dystonia: depressive states, chronic fatigue, somatic neuroses
- osteochondrosis, including numbness
- disorders of the central nervous system, facial paralysis, strokes, paresis
- diseases of the cardiovascular system
- ent-diseases of various etiologies
- chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, lung pathologies
- lesions of the musculoskeletal system and spine
- rehabilitation after various diseases, injuries and operations
- functional disorders of organs and systems
- prevention of relapses and exacerbations of chronic diseases
- hearing loss
- diseases of the genitourinary organs, constipation
- nicotine, alcohol and drug addiction
- overweight
- cosmetological correction of the face and body
- anti-aging therapy
In most cases, acupuncture is prescribed as part of complex therapy as an additional restorative method. As an independent technique, it is used for contraindications to classical treatment – for example, for allergies to medications. The decision on this is made only by the attending physician.
The effect of the acupuncture procedure
A course of acupuncture sessions gives the following result:
- Normalization of metabolic processes of the body.
- Getting rid of excess body weight.
- Increasing the overall effect in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Improvement of muscle tone.
- Restoring normal sleep quality, fighting insomnia.
- Overcoming alcohol, drug, and tobacco addiction.
- Elimination of pain of different intensity and localization.
- Improving the effectiveness of treatment for gynecological, urological diseases.
- Reduction of the rehabilitation period for various surgical interventions.
- Strengthening of vessels and their walls.
- Increased ability to conceive, normal fetal gestation and delivery.
- Stress relief and improvement of psychoemotional state.
Acupuncture slows down the aging process of the skin:
- improves the condition of the skin
- restores turgor and elasticity
- relieves swelling and eliminates bruises under the eyes
- returns a beautiful color and velvety
- corrects deep and fine wrinkles in the face
- corrects deep creases in the neck and decollete
- there is a non–surgical facelift – acupuncture lifting
You can read more about acupuncture face lifting by following the link..
Therapeutic effects of acupuncture:
- analgesic effect
- normalization of ratios or enhanced formation of certain types of neurohumoral substances
- improvement of microcirculation in the body
- normalization of arterial and venous pressure
- increased immunity and resistance to infections
- antidepressant and soothing effects
Contraindications to the procedure of acupuncture
- Pregnancy
- Hemophilia and taking anticoagulants
- Exhaustion
- Oncological diseases
- Acute infectious diseases, feverish conditions
- Decompensation conditions from the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
- Inflammation and infections of the skin
- Epilepsy and mental disorders
- Tuberculosis, hepatitis C and HIV.
A course of acupuncture procedures
An individual therapeutic scheme of breaks and repetitions is developed by a reflexologist. The procedures are carried out in courses from 5 to 10 sessions. After the course, they take a break, after which they sometimes prescribe procedures again.
In most cases, patients report an improvement in well-being after the first session. But the effect of acupuncture is prolonged, it will last and develop for several more weeks after manipulation.

Dr.Dmitry Polak
Dr.Dmitry Polak

Doctor therapist
Dr.Dmitry Polyak is a certified doctor therapist with 20 years of experience
1983-1989 – Riga Medical Institute, medical business.
Work experience:
2010-2021 – general practitioner of the sanatorium “Yantarniy Bereg”, an acupuncturist.
2013 – “IVF Riga klinika” internist, acupuncturist.
2009 – 2014 – MRC Valeo, acupuncturist.
2005 – 2008 – Helga med Medical Center, acupuncturist.
1996 – 2004 – medical rehabilitation center, general practitioner.
1993-1995 – Jurmala Municipal sanatorium “Edinburgh”, general practitioner.
1990-1992 – Riga City Polyclinic No. 8, general practitioner.
Additional education:
2009.- Riga Stradyn University, topical issues of internal medicine.
2008 – 2009 – University of Latvia, medical acupuncture.
2004 – Training center of the University of Latvia, acupuncture.
1991 – Leningrad Institute of Pulmonology, Department of Pulmonology.
1990 – Riga Medical Institute, Faculty of Alternative Medicine, therapy.
Latvian Society of Doctors.
Latvian Society of Therapists.
Latvian Holistic Medicine and Naturopathy.