Price: 175.00€

Anti-inflammatory and cleansing serum
Granactive Acne cleansing antimicrobic peptide, Telangyn peptides, Dermapep A350, Growth factor from Chinese narcissus, Salicylic and azelaic acids, sea-buckthorn berry extract


Extra-effective smoothing and cleansing serum with anti-inflammatory and anti-aging action.
It slows down fat and melanin development, prevents appearance of skin oiliness and post-inflammatory pigmentation.
Maintains cleanness and evens out skin tone, reduce visible pores and minimizes appearance of mimic and deep wrinkles.
Does not dry the skin and maintains an optimum level of its moisture content.


  • Salicylic and azelaic acids recover fat balance, softly peel skin and increase speed of skin cell renewal
  • Sea-buckthorn berry extract recovers hormonal balance of the skin and prevents its damage
  • Granactiv Acne cleansing antimicrobic peptide causes disastrous imbalance in ACNE bacteria, neutralizing inflammation and reddening


For all skin types.
It is especially recommended for the growing old skin with bridged enlarged pores inclined to ACNE and pigmentation.


Pregnancy, breast-feeding, allergy to aspirin.